How can you customize error pages in Nginx? nginx

How can you customize error pages in Nginx?

Nov. 13, 2023

How can you customize error pages in Nginx?

Nginx is a popular web server software that is known for its high performance and scalability. One of the features that Nginx provides is the ability to customize error pages, allowing you to create a more user-friendly experience for your website visitors.

Why Customize Error Pages?

By default, when an error occurs on a website, Nginx displays a generic error page. This page typically includes minimal information and can be confusing for users. Customizing error pages allows you to provide relevant information to users when they encounter an error, improving their experience and helping them understand the issue.

Steps to Customize Error Pages in Nginx

Customizing error pages in Nginx involves a few simple steps:

  1. Create a custom HTML page for the specific error you want to customize. For example, if you want to customize the 404 Not Found error, create a file called 404.html with your custom content.
  2. Copy the custom error page file to a designated directory on your server. This directory can be specified in the nginx.conf configuration file.
  3. Edit the nginx.conf file to include the location of your custom error page. You can use the error_page directive to specify which error codes should display your custom page. For example, to set a custom error page for 404 errors, you can add the following line to the nginx.conf file:
    error_page 404 /path/to/404.html;
  4. Save the changes to the nginx.conf file.
  5. Reload Nginx to apply the changes. This can be done by running the command sudo systemctl reload nginx if you're using a Linux distribution with systemd.

Testing the Custom Error Pages

After customizing the error pages and reloading Nginx, you can test the changes by deliberately triggering the specific error. For example, to test the custom 404 error page, access a nonexistent page on your website.


Customizing error pages in Nginx allows you to provide a better user experience by displaying more relevant and helpful information when errors occur. By following the steps mentioned above, you can easily customize error pages in Nginx and improve your website visitors' experience.
