
What's the Difference Between Layer4 and Layer7 Load Balancing?

The terms layer4 and layer7 refer to the protocol layers at which a load balancer operates within the OSI networking model. Layer4 load balancers operate at the transport layer, whilst layer7 load balancers operate at the application protocol level, affording them greater visibility and understanding of the application it is processing itself. This enables advanced functionality and optimisation features including intelligent traffic management, content caching, security and compression. Acceleration Features Layer4 load balancers are still available although their market share has been reducing significantly as layer7 advanced load balancers and ADC’s become more powerful and cost effective.


Yes, all our Hosting packages come with Unlimited Email Accounts Creations. Please note that if you are doing mass mailing your account will be suspended.

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Free WordPress Hosting

If you're looking to build a website on WordPress, you might be considering free hosting as an option. And who can blame you? After all, free hosting sounds like a great deal. But before jumping in and signing up for a free hosting plan, there are some important things to consider. In this guide, I'm going to take you through the ins and outs of choosing the best free WordPress hosting for your website. We'll cover the important aspects of web hosting performance, features, and customer service to help you make an informed decision. So whether you're just starting out or looking to switch from your current provider, this guide will walk you through the process of choosing the perfect WordPress host—for free!

What is the difference between SSD Cloud Hosting and VPS?

There are many advantes in using VPS Hosting over traditional Cloud Hosting. For one you get root level access which, if you are an admin, is important to be able to customize your system the way you need it. VPS also is single tenancy, which means you are on your own environment and not sharing resources with your neighbor. VPS is also easier to scale, more secure, and allows for faster deployments and easier backup management.

What is Load Balancer?

A load balancer acts as the “traffic cop” sitting in front of your servers and routing client requests across all servers capable of fulfilling those requests in a manner that maximizes speed and capacity utilization and ensures that no one server is overworked, which could degrade performance. If a single server goes down, the load balancer redirects traffic to the remaining online servers. When a new server is added to the server group, the load balancer automatically starts to send requests to it.


Is an upgrade / downgrade possible for SSD Cloud Hosting?

Our SSD Cloud Hosting Services are optimized for your need, however, it is not possible to downgrade a plan. If required, you can purchase additional RAM and CPU cores and Storage, but we can not downgrade storage.

What is VPS Hosting?

Virtual Private Server hosting, aka VPS hosting, is a website hosting environment that allows for resources such as RAM and CPU to be dedicated to your account. This is achieved by virtualising a Dedicated server and splitting the resources amongst the users on that server.

What is the difference between SSD managed Cloud Hosting and Shared Hosting?

A website hosted on shared hosting is placed on the same server as many other sites, that could range from a few to hundreds. In this setup, all websites share Storage, RAM and CPU from the same server. On the contrary, our SSD cloud hosting services offers nearly unlimited ability to handle traffic spikes because of a virtualization layer with a separate CEPH storage cluster and upgradable CPU Core and RAM model. In case if one storage instance is rendered inaccessible, the other instances will be able to serve the stored information due to 3N redundancy.

Where is my data stored?

All newly-ordered customer servers are located in our Jaipur facility. We also have some servers in US TAMPA Location. For information on the features of our data centres, please see our fact sheet here. You can chose your server location while placing order.

What is Load Balancer?

A load balancer acts as the “traffic cop” sitting in front of your servers and routing client requests across all servers capable of fulfilling those requests in a manner that maximizes speed and capacity utilization and ensures that no one server is overworked, which could degrade performance. If a single server goes down, the load balancer redirects traffic to the remaining online servers. When a new server is added to the server group, the load balancer automatically starts to send requests to it.


Which version of Linux distribution is available?

Our Virtualisation support all most all kind of linux distribution, You can ask us for any Linux Version you need. We provide Centos, Debian, Ubuntu and Alma-linux as default but you can ask us for other also.

How does VPS hosting work?

VPS hosting is similar to using virtualized OS software. For example, let’s say you have a MacBook Pro, but you really need to use the Linux OS for a certain program to run. Instead of buying a separate Linux PC you could use software like VirtualBox or VMware. This software will allow you to run a virtualized version of the Windows OS on your Mac machine. The same can be said for VPS. On the same single physical server, you can run several different virtualized servers. Each of these virtual servers will act as if they’re separate dedicated servers.


Reseller Hosting allows you to create sub-packages within the allotted Disk Space and Bandwidth of your main Hosting package. You can use Plesk to create Individual Custom packages (each with Plesk) and provision them to your Customers.


Yes! Our Geek And Pro hosting plan allows you to host more than one Website, by adding secondary domains through your hosting control panel Plesk. You will be able to manage your second website using same control panel, you don't need to login to another panel.

What are VPS Hosting Benefits?

Users are guaranteed the resources on their VPS hosting account. This means that your account will always be allocated the set amount of RAM, CPU, and Disk Space you’ve chosen regardless of what other users on the server are doing. This allows for greater stability and performance of your website. You also do not share the Operating System with any other users, providing better security for your website files.


What Is SSD Shared Hosting?

SSD (Solid State Drive) is new technology in Web Hosting. It is more secure, fast and reliable. SSD are more high-priced then HDD due to its technology. In SSD shared hosting you will get faster performance for you site but will get less storage.

What are the best SSL certificates?

Domain Validated SSL certificate is best for personal blogs or websites Organization Validated SSL is good for the organization’s website which has to deal with critical data Extended Validated SSL certificates are good to go for any shopping portal or any website which does financial transactions online such as Banking website.

What is SSD managed Cloud Hosting?

SSD Managed Cloud Hosting is the newest form of web hosting that is gaining great popularity over the recent years. The concept of SSD cloud hosting is principally ‘Divide and Rule’. The cluster of servers that work together to meet the resources required for maintaining your website is termed as a cloud.

Can I install an operating system not currently listed?

Yes. Our servers support operating system other than Linux and Windows. Please contact us prior to selecting your system to ensure we can properly support you. Some Hardware/OS have specific requirement which may not fits with your selected Hardware/OS.

What’s the difference between managed and unmanaged VPS hosting?

With managed VPS hosting AvertHost will be responsible for configuring your server, doing routine maintenance, keeping your environment secure, and more. With unmanaged VPS you’ll have a lot less hand-holding and generally be responsible for general server admin tasks, maintenance, security, and more. With unmanaged VPS hosting, you’ll need to have some technical chops to be able to run your server efficiently.



Yes, all our Hosting packages come with Unlimited Email Accounts Creations. Please note that if you are doing mass mailing your account will be suspended.

How Does a Load Balancer Work?

Load balancers distribute application traffic based on many different load balancing strategies or load balancing policies as they are sometimes called. In order to understand if a backend server is online and healthy, a load balancer will use back-end server monitoring and Server health checking. The principles of load balancing have been around for many years but these devices have evolved significantly from the basic layer4 device to much more sophisticated layer7 Application Delivery controllers, or ADCs as Gartner refer to them. ADCs offer many additional key features including security and traffic management.

How do I get started with VPS Hosting?

Getting started with VPS hosting is easy with AvertHost as your VPS hosting provider. Simply choose from our VPS hosting packages based on the amount of resources your website needs and follow the sign up instructions. Once you have an account, you can easily upgrade to more resources from within your customer dashboard.

What is TLS vs SSL?

Both TLS & SSL are protocols used for sending data over the internet securely. Though there’s a minor difference between them, still TLS and SSL are considered as a different standard. TLS (Transport Layer Security) is an advanced version of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), which uses stronger encryption algorithms and also has the ability for working on different ports. Furthermore, TLS versions do not work in conjunction with SSL version 3.0.

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Free WordPress Hosting

If you're looking to build a website on WordPress, you might be considering free hosting as an option. And who can blame you? After all, free hosting sounds like a great deal. But before jumping in and signing up for a free hosting plan, there are some important things to consider. In this guide, I'm going to take you through the ins and outs of choosing the best free WordPress hosting for your website. We'll cover the important aspects of web hosting performance, features, and customer service to help you make an informed decision. So whether you're just starting out or looking to switch from your current provider, this guide will walk you through the process of choosing the perfect WordPress host—for free!


What is VPS Hosting?

Virtual Private Server hosting, aka VPS hosting, is a website hosting environment that allows for resources such as RAM and CPU to be dedicated to your account. This is achieved by virtualising a Dedicated server and splitting the resources amongst the users on that server.

Do I need SSL?

Yes. If you have a website/WebApplication, SSL is needed. Earlier, it was okay to have an SSL only for the website which was collecting information from the user. But after Google’s update regarding SSL, it is needed no matter what type of website you have, whether you collect the information or not. Even a simple blog will also display a “Not Secure” if the SSL is not installed on it.

What is the difference between SSD Cloud Hosting and VPS?

There are many advantes in using VPS Hosting over traditional Cloud Hosting. For one you get root level access which, if you are an admin, is important to be able to customize your system the way you need it. VPS also is single tenancy, which means you are on your own environment and not sharing resources with your neighbor. VPS is also easier to scale, more secure, and allows for faster deployments and easier backup management.

What Is WordPress Hosting and Why Is It Important?

If you want to start a website using WordPress, you're going to need a place to host it. That's where WordPress hosting comes in. Essentially, WordPress hosting is digital space provided by a hosting provider where you can store the files and content that make up your website. But why is this so important? Well, without hosting, your site won't be accessible to anyone online. Quality hosting means your site will be reliable and fast-loading, meaning your visitors will have a good experience when browsing it. Plus, depending on the type of WordPress hosting you choose, it could come with extra features like email accounts and free domain names. When deciding on the best free WordPress hosting for you, it's important to know what kind of website you have (or plan to create), how many visitors you anticipate receiving each month and what kind of features and add-ons the host offers. Different types of WordPress hosts offer different levels of support and security—so it's important that you take all these factors into consideration before making your decision.

What type of encryption does SSL use?

SSL/TLS Certificate works on RSA Asymmetric Encryption and Symmetric Encryption. Where Asymmetric Encryption helps to establish a secure client-server session and Symmetric Encryption for exchanging information securely over the already established secured session, also called as “SSL Handshake.”


Who is to provide support to my clients - me or AvertHost?

You as a hosting reseller are to provide first-line and basic support to your clients. However, sometimes you might face situations when you do not have sufficient server access to check and investigate this issue. Here is when we will step in for you - get in touch with us at our HelpDesk and our technicians will do their best to help.

What is the difference between SSD Cloud Hosting and VPS?

There are many advantes in using VPS Hosting over traditional Cloud Hosting. For one you get root level access which, if you are an admin, is important to be able to customize your system the way you need it. VPS also is single tenancy, which means you are on your own environment and not sharing resources with your neighbor. VPS is also easier to scale, more secure, and allows for faster deployments and easier backup management.


If you’re a Web Designer/Developer you can host and manage all your websites/clients with one Reseller Hosting package instead of going through the hassle of managing multiple shared Hosting packages. This also lowers your Web Hosting costs significantly. Additionally, you can resell hosting as a value added feature to your existing business or as a separate entity

How do I get SSL?

Getting an HTTPS on the website is quite easy. Simply follow the below steps: Get your website on a dedicated IP address Purchase a certificate from the trusted Certificate Authority or its resellers Activate the purchased SSL/TLS Certificate by following all the necessary steps such as generating CSR Install your SSL/TLS Certificate Finally, make the necessary changes to use HTTPS

What is the difference between Shared vs VPS Hosting?

Users of Shared hosting all share the resources on the server their websites are on. There is no guarantee of RAM or CPU with Shared hosting. Shared hosting also does not provide full root access to the server, as opposed to a VPS hosting package where users are given full root access to perform commands and make configuration changes to their hosting environment


What is the difference between SSD managed Cloud Hosting and Shared Hosting?

A website hosted on shared hosting is placed on the same server as many other sites, that could range from a few to hundreds. In this setup, all websites share Storage, RAM and CPU from the same server. On the contrary, our SSD cloud hosting services offers nearly unlimited ability to handle traffic spikes because of a virtualization layer with a separate CEPH storage cluster and upgradable CPU Core and RAM model. In case if one storage instance is rendered inaccessible, the other instances will be able to serve the stored information due to 3N redundancy.

What is VPS Hosting?

Virtual Private Server hosting, aka VPS hosting, is a website hosting environment that allows for resources such as RAM and CPU to be dedicated to your account. This is achieved by virtualising a Dedicated server and splitting the resources amongst the users on that server.

What type of encryption does SSL use?

SSL/TLS Certificate works on RSA Asymmetric Encryption and Symmetric Encryption. Where Asymmetric Encryption helps to establish a secure client-server session and Symmetric Encryption for exchanging information securely over the already established secured session, also called as “SSL Handshake.”

What can a dedicated server be used for?

There are many uses for a dedicated server: big data, machine learning, website and web application hosting, storage and backup, infrastructure virtualisation, server clusters, business applications (CRM, ERP), and online game hosting.

What is Server Health Checking?

Load Balancers run server health checks against web servers to determine if they are alive, healthy and providing service. Server health monitoring is the key to delivering resilient applications, and depending on the solution chosen, some load balancers are able to use layer7 health checks which offer greater sophistication in their problem detection. Below is a summary of the different methods of server health checks. Ping: This is the most simple method of server health check, however it is not very reliable because the load balancer can report that the server is up, whilst the web service can still be down. TCP Connect: This is a more sophisticated health check method which can check if a service is up and running. An example of this is services on port 80 for web. Simple HTTP GET: This method of server health check will make a HTTP GET request to the web server and typically check for a header response such as a 200 OK. Full HTTP GET: This server health check will make a HTTP GET and check the actual content body for a correct response. This feature is only available on some of the more advanced load balancing solutions but is the superior method for web applications because it will check that the actual application is available. Customisable Server Health Checks: Some load balancing solutions are able to accommodate custom monitors for TCP / IP applications for better control over their specific application services.