How can you handle and manipulate HTTP headers in Nginx? nginx

How can you handle and manipulate HTTP headers in Nginx?

Nov. 12, 2023

How to Handle and Manipulate HTTP Headers in Nginx

Nginx is a powerful web server and reverse proxy server that is widely used in the industry. It allows you to handle and manipulate HTTP headers to control various aspects of your web server's behavior. In this article, we will discuss different techniques to handle and manipulate HTTP headers in Nginx.

1. Adding Headers

To add a header to the HTTP response, you can use the add_header directive. For example, to add the 'Cache-Control' header with a 'no-cache' value, you can use the following configuration:

        add_header Cache-Control "no-cache";

2. Modifying Headers

If you need to modify an existing header, you can use the proxy_set_header directive. This is commonly used when Nginx acts as a reverse proxy to modify headers before forwarding the request to the backend server. For example, to modify the 'X-Forwarded-For' header, you can use the following configuration:

        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $http_x_real_ip;

3. Removing Headers

To remove a header from the HTTP response, you can use the proxy_hide_header directive. This is useful when you want to hide certain headers from being exposed to the client. For example, to remove the 'Server' header, you can use the following configuration:

        proxy_hide_header Server;

4. Conditional Header Manipulation

You can also perform header manipulation based on certain conditions using if statements. However, using if statements in Nginx can be tricky and may have unintended consequences. It is recommended to use the map directive instead, which provides a more efficient and safer way to handle conditional header manipulation.

5. Adding Security Headers

It is crucial to add security headers to your web server to enhance security. Nginx allows you to add security headers such as 'Strict-Transport-Security', 'Content-Security-Policy', 'X-Content-Type-Options', etc. These headers help protect your website from common security vulnerabilities. You can add these headers using the add_header directive.


Handling and manipulating HTTP headers in Nginx gives you fine-grained control over your web server's behavior. Whether it's adding, modifying, or removing headers, Nginx provides various directives to accomplish these tasks. Always ensure that you handle headers carefully and follow best practices to maintain the security and performance of your web server.
